Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First Blog about me and the class

Hi. My name is Mike. I have never done a blog before mainly because it never sounded interesting to me or how I would like to spend my time. I guess now that I have to do one for this class, it would be a good time to start a blog. I am a sophmore up here at the University, born and raised in Salt Lake City. I am currently spending the majority of my time training in Aikido. (A martial art) If you are interested in what this is, and since I have to be creative with my blogs by posting web sites, I'll give you the web address to my dojo where I train.

I am excited to take this class and think it will be very interesting. I have decided to do the topic regarding new media technologies and how they connect and divide us. I think that it is an issue with people today especially how fast new technologies are changing. Good on many reasons since it's allowing people to connect around the world, ut bad because it is leaving some people (like the elderly) behind.

I look forward to learning more about this and talking about my views and opinions on this sunject. See you in class!


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